Monday, August 1, 2016

10 Tips on Using "Quotations"

10 Tips on Using "Quotations"
By Raka Syailendra

When you use a quotation in your speech or presentation you piggyback on the wisdom and rapport of the person who originally stated it. Sprinkle quotations throughout your speech like a master chef with an award-wining recipe. Precise, effective and tantalizing.

1. Quote from people well known and well liked by the audience. Safe bets are Churchill, JF Kennedy, Bill Gates, Helen Keller, Einstein, Shakespeare…
2. Always state whom the quote is from. Don't pretend to be the originator of words that aren't yours.
3. When you don't remember who said it or if you paraphrased it differently say, " As My grandmother used to say... No one will argue with your grandmother.
4. Change your voice slightly when you deliver the quote - this emphasizes that these are not your words - but of the 'higher' authority you are quoting.
5. Pause just before you begin the quote and just after - the pause serves as quotation marks.
6. Quote from the president or CEO of the organization.
7. You might quote from a customer.
8. In a mixed group find quotes from their culture - e.g. - Da Vinci, Nelson Mandela, Ghandi,
9. Memorize a short quotation - but it is okay to read a longer quote.
10. When you quote from a book - hold the book up to show where the quote comes from and add more credibility.

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